In the distant reaches of the galaxy, where star systems whispered secrets and alliances shifted like cosmic tides, a pivotal moment unfolded. The Chargian, a proud and enigmatic species, stood at the crossroads of destiny. Their homeworld, Champala, had long been a bastion of independence, resisting the gravitational pull of larger galactic conflict.
However, change was inevitable. The Chargian Council assembled, their luminous eyes reflecting constellations of doubt. They carefully balanced the scales of sovereignty against the tantalizing promise of liberation. The Confederacy’s core tenets—freedom and autonomy—stirred a profound awakening within them. And as they pondered their decision, they needed only to glance at their galactic neighbors, the Togruta, to witness firsthand the advantages of aligning with the Separatist Movement.
The homeworld of the Togruta, Shili, nestled in the neighboring Ethosiq sector, boasts lush forests and vibrant oceans. However, it faced a dire situation. In the year 21, the Togruta, recognizable by their striped montrals and unwavering determination, endured neglect under the Republic’s rule. Later, the Galactic Empire ‘liberated’ the planet, but it was left grappling with ceaseless violence between rebel factions and imperial forces. Shili’s desperate cries for freedom reverberated through the cosmic expanse.
The Confederacy listened.
In a clandestine meeting aboard the EF65 Meridian-class Frigate Sole Survivor, diplomats from Shili and the Confederacy convened. The air hummed with anticipation as they inked the Shili Accord. It was a pact of liberation, a celestial promise etched in stardust. “Shili shall be free,” declared Senator Lekara, her lekku coiled like ancient scrolls. “Neutral and locally governed.”
Following the CIS’s successful acquisition of system rights from the Empire via the Treaty of Kliap, negotiations for a ceasefire with the rebel forces ensued. The Togruta, elated by this turn of events, celebrated with ancestral dances beneath Shili’s twin moons. The wind itself seemed to carry whispers of hope. Thanks to the Confederacy’s vigilant forces, Shili’s skies remained untainted by warships. Within a mere few months, the CIS gracefully relinquished control of the system to the Togruta people, marking a pivotal moment in their history.
With the increasing conflicts in the region, the people of Chargian Council first took their concerns of potential conflict to their friends from within Dorinian Military Corp (DMC) and the Kel Dor Society (KDS). Since the clone wars, the region had been held first by the Trade Federation and later DMC was granted custodianship of the sector as the Trade Federation expanded their interest in the southern part of the galaxy. Metyl Onyx, leader of both organizations, was very sympathetic to the concerns of the Chargian People.
The CIS are not strangers in the Bogden sector. Traders from the Scrapper Guild have a strong presence in the region and the Magistrate of the North, Truse`vala Ilone had previously aided in bolstering the local government. Their collaborative efforts have birthed several projects, all geared toward harnessing the influx of income generated by the flourishing trades. Chag II, now designated as a Champala Service Moon, stands as a testament to progress. Since its inauguration, the system has witnessed a remarkable surge in consumer traffic and investment. The cosmic winds whisper tales of prosperity, and the stars themselves seem to twinkle in approval.

Following a meeting with the Chargian Council, Mr. Onyx was quoted as saying the following;
- “While Dorinian Military Corps are honored to be acting as custodians of the Chagri, underlying self-concerns were raised about our ability to vehemently defend the system in a time of dire crisis. Passion is one thing, but true capabilities must be considered.
Dorinian Military Corps has openly reverted its focus, from that of a former Trade Federation Nationalized faction, back to the original purpose of assisting both the populace of Dorin and the Kel Dor Society, while still maintaining its droid production agendas. Historically, Dorinian Military Corps was the first Dorin based company to be fully re-established by the Trade Federation after the Great Royal Purge.
- After several meetings with local Chagrian clan leaders, it was accepted via referendum that it was time for a government body with a wider range of capabilities to start overseeing the finer details of the region. I myself voted in favor of such change. Truse`vala Ilone is well known and respected by the local populace for his former role with Scrappers Guild, who’s group investment already brought an influx of growth to trade arenas. Furthermore, Zoltan Grubb, a former Scrapper himself has also been tasked as Regional Magistrate in recognition of his commitment to the Chagri System.
- While DMC still retains our presence, it was an easy decision to extend that relationship in the best interest of the Bogden Sector, so I requested Truse`vala to enhance the level of effective economic and security development.
With Confederacy of Independent systems being a signatory of the Endor pact, and DMC being a smaller faction with little to offer in reciprocation of multi-goverment pacts; it made more sense to inquire about becoming a protectorate of CIS, especially since they already have a vested interest through the presence of existing Scrapper Guild infrastructure. -
While the Trade Federation has always offered unwavering support regardless, all parties agree it is the practical decision. -
Further military and security infrastructure should act as a catalyst for increased safety in the region, especially necessary to ensure stability when the famous Galactic Swap Meet makes its way back to Champala.”
Leso Mekatto, the Council’s eldest member, spoke. “Our ancestors navigated the cosmic currents alone, but perhaps it is time to sail alongside others. While we have done very well with our allies in the Kel Dor Society, The Confederacy offers strength in unity.”
And so, the Chargians pledged their allegiance. Their sleek starships joined the Separatist fleet, their newly repainted hulls a testament to newfound purpose. The once-isolated Chamapal now orbited within the Confederacy’s protective embrace.For in joining the Confederacy, they had not only altered their fate but also woven threads of liberation across the stars.