Tradeable Commodities

About Commodity & Asset Sales -
The Cantrell Conglomerate is a leading entity that specialises in selling and trading various assets across its subsidiaries. We offer diverse products, including ships, vehicles, raw materials, and items.
With a strong focus on customer satisfaction, our team of experts works tirelessly to ensure that our clients receive the highest quality of service. We understand that every client has unique requirements, so we provide customised solutions that meet their specific needs. Whether it’s through the continued support of the Fairwind Exotic Auctions to the broader galaxy or a vast range of products, there’s rarely an instance where that prized possession cannot be obtained.
Our subsidiary companies specialise in different assets and products, allowing us to cater to various industries and businesses. Whether you’re looking to purchase or sell a spaceship, a fleet of vehicles, raw materials for manufacturing, or items for personal use, we have the expertise and resources to help you achieve your goals.
Our asset sales and trade services are designed to be seamless and efficient. We handle every aspect of the transaction, from initial consultation to purchasing, potentially even offering final delivery through our transportation service if desired. Our team of professionals is committed to providing accurate information, transparent pricing, and timely delivery of products when applicable.
We believe in building long-lasting relationships with our clients, which is why we provide ongoing support and assistance even after the transaction is complete. Our focus on customer satisfaction has earned us a reputation as a reliable and trustworthy asset sales and trade provider.
Current Product Offerings -
Should you wish to purchase any particular item, contact an authorised Cantrell Conglomerate contact or subsidiary leadership to begin the transaction journey. Our list of available stock regularly changes, however, due to our various subsidiaries and affiliate contracts, we offer the following goods to the public on a regular basis:
- Class-J Cargo Container
- C-wing Ugly
- EF76 Nebulon-B Medical Frigate
- GRZ-6B Wrecker
- Raider-class Missile Corvette
- Sprint-class Rescue Craft
- Sysat T-20 Satellite
- Sysat T-24 Satellite
- TIE-wing Ugly
- Vulture-class Droid Starfighter
- X-ceptor Ugly
- Y-8 Mining Vessel
- Y-TIE Ugly
- Alazhixazha
- Desert Sail-20 Skiff
- EVS Construction Droid
- FK-7 Airspeeder
- Kettrifee Air Mover
- SX-65 Groundhog
- 2-1B
- DD-13 Medical Assistant
- FX-7
- LIN-series Miner
- MD Medical Specialist
- Alpha Plus Charge
- Amban Sniper Rifle
- Blaststick
- DL-44
- Vibroblade
- Alazhi Farm
- Anti-Air Battery
- Asylum
- Atgar 1.4 FD P-Tower
- Bacta Refinement Facility
- Bank
- Barracks
- Casino
- Cathedral
- Chapel
- Church
- Civic Centre
- Commerce Centre
- Computer Control Centre
- Crew Quarters
- Dry Dock
- Factory
- Golan Laser Battery
- Hospital
- KDY v-150 Planet Defender
- Lab
- Library
- LNR I Series Turbo Laser Cannon
- Mine
- Museum
- Naval Shipyard
- Port
- Prison
- Recycling Plant
- Research Centre
- Shield Generator
- Silo
- Slave Market
- Stadium
- Starport
- Temple
- Training Academy
- Wildlife Preserve
- Zoo
Orbital Stations:
- Asteroid Hideout
- Ataturk-class Station
- Depot Station II
- Depot Station III
- Depot Station IV
- Golan I
- Hospital Platform XQ-2
- Medical Factory Station
- Merchant Space Dock
- Platform XQ1
- R&D I
- R&D II
- R&D IV
- Recycling I
- Recycling II
- Recycling III
- Recycling IV
- Relay Station
- Shipyard I
- Shipyard II
- Shipyard III
- Shipyard IV
- Trading I
- Trading II
- X7 Factory Station
- Zoo Station
- Antidote
- Artificial Arms
- Artificial Eyes
- Artificial Legs
- Bacta Patch
- Bacta Refill
- Bacta Ryfill
- Bacta Tank
- Bait
- Cyborg Close Combat Unit
- Cyborg Electronics Unit
- Cyborg Engines Unit
- Cyborg Metallurgy Unit
- Cyborg Ranged Combat Unit
- Cyborg Weapons Unit
- Datapad
- Death Stick
- Healing Stick
- Jetpack
- Keycard
- Laser Scalpel
- MediKit
- Poison Vial
- Riot Shield
- Ryll Patch
- Ship Parts
- Stimpack
- Sub-Space Radio
- Tactical Helmet
Raw Materials:
- Adegan
- Alazhi
- Ardanium
- Bacta
- Berubian
- Duracrete
- Durelium
- Hibridium
- Laboi
- Lommite
- Lowickan
- Meleenium
- Nova
- Quantum
- Rockivory
- Rudic
- Ryll
- Tibannagas
- Varium
- Varmigio
- Vertex