Activating Protocols

0 %
  • Sector:
  • System:
    Ord Cantrell (-21, 264)
  • Planet:
    Ord Cantrell (12, 16)
Weather Report
  • Bartertown
  • Chatillon Estates
  • De-Purteen
  • Highhall
  • Jakit Leuz'inou
  • Lorien
  • Tortuga
  • Whitechapel
  • Upezzo Jubinloo
Security Status
  • Bartertown
  • Chatillon Estates
  • De-Purteen
  • Highhall
  • Jakit Leuz'inou
  • Lorien
  • Tortuga
  • Whitechapel
  • Upezzo Jubinloo

Bounty Hunting Network


Network Locations -

The Cantrell Conglomerate prides itself on providing the best bounty-hunting network in the galaxy. Through various commercial contracts and negotiations, taverns and bounty-hunting associations flying the Conglomerate sigil interlink into the most extensive network for the most incredible range of target and job opportunities.

This list is constantly being updated to ensure the most accurate data is available for galactic travellers.

Last Updated - April 21, 2023

Fath Ord Cantrell (-21, 264) Ord Cantrell (12, 16) Tortuga (6, 6) (12, 17) Go Y
Atrivis Horuz (14, 307) Despayre (9, 12) Bountiville (2, 4) (15, 17) Go Y
Jaso Polith (15, -136) Ferxani Beta (16, 12) Squall's End (1, 1) (2, 7) Go Y
Tapani Mennaalii (16, -97) Mrlsst Asteroid IX (6, 8) Warrington Freeport (0, 0) (11, 2) Go Y
Urce Space Urce (17, 231) Urce III (2, 18) Old Hope #15 (4, 6) (12, 17) Go Y
Dalonbian Hettitite (28, 419) Hettitite III (7, 7) 6,1 (6, 1) (2, 2) Go Y
Quanta Chasin (58, -40) Chasin (12, 10) Feltcher (9, 9) (10, 17) Go Y
Ploo Leafar (80, 190) Leafar (12, 8) Gardens ca Vella (17, 0) (10, 16) Go Y
Tamarin Sevarcos (93, -371) Sevarcos X (8, 16) Guild HQ - Sevarcos (18, 19) (5, 5) Go Y
Ojoster Taris (115, 228) Taris (6, 5) Muliphein (0, 6) (8, 17) Go Y
Hutt Space Nar Kaaga (325, -77) Nar Kaaga II (11, 12) 15,1 (15, 1) (6, 9) Go Y
Hutt Space Pybus (348, 30) Pybus III (16, 4) Eidola Base of Operations 12 (4, 3) (10, 7) Go Y
Hutt Space Bootana Hutta (353, 34) Kor Vosadii (8, 10) rename 2 (3, 0) (9, 8) Go Y
Hutt Space Si`Klaata Cluster (360, 120) Vontor (4, 14) The Drunk's Outpost (1, 8) (14, 13) Go Y
Periphery Sriluur (370, 127) Siquay (18, 18) Eidola Gas Farms (2, 1) (14, 2) Go Y
Hutt Space Cha Raaba (397, -20) Ylesia (9, 7) Lokiwood Manor (5, 3) (14, 14) Go Y
Baxel Lirra (423, -3) Lirra (9, 10) Canton (5, 8) (12, 18) Go Y
Ehosiq Shili (14, 172) Shili (12, 12) Mont`arne City (7, 7) (5, 12) Go Y
Rseik Spindrift (90, -440) Spindrift IV (8, 17) Vendetta Dramshop 2.0 (2, 0) (2, 15) Go Y
Kuat Vuma (37, 49) Vuma I (13, 10) Vuma I 00-00 (0, 0) (17, 1) Go N
Dantus Dreighton (-100, 250) Dreighton (9, 9) Entertainment District (2, 0) (12, 2) Go N
Churnis Ansion (-120, 230) Ansion (13, 12) Bounty Hunter Enclave (8, 7) (20, 9) Go Y
Tolonda Krmar (280, -335) Krmar II (8, 2) TFF Krmar II (6,3) (6, 3) (2, 18) Go N
Shadola Skeebo (434, 172) Skeebo III (10, 7) Shadolan Bounty District (14, 18) (13, 11) Go Y
Morobe Morobe (91, -1) Mortra (13, 5) Tor Aashrur (2, 2) (18, 11) Go Y
Bamula Walalla (-95, -110) Walalla (8, 5) Walalla Favelas (11, 5) (10, 3) Go Y
Mondress Mondress (-114, 180) Mondress (16, 12) Borealis (15, 14) (7, 14) Go N
Gordian Reach Yavin (205, 280) Stroiketcy (12, 15) Uninhabited (0, 0) (17, 9) Go Y
Sluis Denab (57, -383) Denab IV (14, 6) Denab IV 0101 (1, 1) (6, 10) Go N
Bon`nyuw-Luq Arbran (116, -297) Arbran Asteroid Field (17, 9) Arbran Asteroid Field (00,00) (0, 0) (11, 16) Go Y
Tolonda Oshora (265, -310) Oshora III (18, 0) Veridis Quo (9, 2) (12, 13) Go Y
Humbarine Humbarine (78, 30) Humbarine (6, 8) Rat Mans Flat (6, 7) (17, 6) Go Y
Druess Qiraa (136, -207) Qiraa (6, 5) Qat Geranium (1,0) (1, 0) (6, 3) Go Y
Kathol Ott (60, -466) Charis (14, 14) Krath (3, 4) (17, 20) Go Y
Corporate Hiit (320, 388) Maal (6, 6) Maal 0,9 (0, 9) (11, 2) Go N
Ploo Leafar (80, 190) Leafar (12, 8) Leafar (4, 1) "Hunter's Landing" (4, 1) (4, 8) Go Y
Al`Nasrl Syvris (400, -90) Syvris (7, 12) Syvris Duracrete City (0, 1) (3, 10) Go Y
Arkanis Issor (303, -235) Issor (12, 10) Fortuna (8, 4) (12, 18) Go Y
Alderaan Skako (17, 89) Skako (11, 11) TS Corulag Income 4 (5, 4) (11, 16) Go Y
Kastolar Sabrash (293, 84) Sabrash I (8, 3) [PREZ] Sabrash I (13, 0) (13, 0) (11, 10) Go N
Wyl Lafra (345, 363) Lafra Asteroid Belt (8, 14) Eidola #72 (0, 0) (1, 3) Go Y
Hutt Space Saki (351, -14) Saki I (10, 8) Midgar (5, 5) (13, 9) Go N
Bitrose Stoga (372, -295) Stoga Asteroid Belt (10, 14) Deep South Outpost (0, 0) (14, 9) Go Y
Yushan Bhuna Sound (-63, -304) Bhuna Sound V (3, 10) Czerka Beach Resort (14, 5) (6, 13) Go N
Abrion Roon (330, -210) Kaloo (6, 15) K43 (4, 3) (1, 3) Go Y
Iotran Expanse Iotran (346, 134) Gettiarn (0, 19) Gettiarn 0,11 Bounty Hunter Bar (0, 11) (10, 10) Go Y
Phelleem Jabiim (350, 195) Jabiim (8, 13) Choal (0, 4) (8, 2) Go N
Kokash Morath Nebula (-100, 50) Morath II (12, 8) City of Dread Devils (2, 10) (1, 15) Go Y
Bothan Space Kothlis (280, -120) Kothlis Asteroid Field (5, 14) Music please (0, 0) (7, 14) Go Y
Atravis Siluria (-15, -400) Siluria IV (15, 7) New Worshyr (4, 0) (10, 2) Go ?
Nouane Asrat (110, 153) Asrat (10, 10) TFC Blaihgate (5, 4) (6, 16) Go Y
Spinward Xo (90, 460) Xo III (4, 8) ORE (4, 10) (4, 10) (11, 2) Go N
Myto Dubrillion (-41, 399) Dubrillion (8, 10) Belacove (7, 4) (11, 5) Go Y
Xappyh Neelgaimon (275, 374) Neelgaimon (10, 10) Neel 4,1 (4, 1) (5, 2) Go N
Orus Taspan (45, 152) Mindor (4, 10) TFC Mindor 00-04 (0, 4) (11, 2) Go N
Cerean Quadrant Riflorii (-90, -300) Riflor (10, 6) (2, 2) (16, 9) Go Y
Homon Homon (55, 209) Homon Asteroid Belt (6, 8) Homon Asteroid Belt 0, 0 (0, 0) (16, 16) Go N
Xappyh Ruuria (273, 383) Ruuria (12, 13) Ruuria 6,9 (NPC Shop) (6, 9) (7, 4) Go Y
Bogden Chagri (23, 144) Chag II (8, 4) Champala Service Moon (0, 0) (7, 2) Go Y
Vensensor Tar Morden (-40, -200) Tar Morden III (7, 9) TM3-05-08 Carraigh Aeánn (5, 8) (14, 9) Go Y
Arkanis Tatoo (296, -248) Tatooine (6, 12) Bestine (4, 3) (6, 1) Go Y
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