Upezzo Jubinloo

About Upezzo Jubinloo -
The bustling city of Upezzo Jubinloo on Ord Cantrell is steeped in history and legend. While its exact origins are a subject of debate between the local Jawas and the Trade Masters of Bartertown, it is widely believed to be the oldest settlement on the planet. Its strategic location on the southern continent has made it a hub for trade convoys, and it is said that almost all convoys operating in the region pass through the city.
The city’s rugged inhabitants have weathered years of skirmishes and raids, but have managed to resist and evade most serious damage. With the new Kiffar government taking over, the city found itself in a unique position. A bizarre trade agreement between the Governor and the local Jawa leaders has allowed the settlement to operate as a hub for trade, and the population is now almost entirely Jawa.
Visitors to Upezzo Jubinloo are welcome, but it is advisable to be cautious when wandering around the city. The Jawas are known for their mistrust of outsiders, and loitering within the city complex may result in an unforeseen loss of funds or an ion nap.
The city is a fascinating blend of old and new, with ancient ruins and structures interspersed with modern buildings and technologies. The Jawa traders have adapted to modern commerce and are known for their shrewd business practices. The non-Jawa compound located on the outskirts of the city provides rest and provisions to any visitors or convoys passing through. Despite the Jawa’s reputation for being scavengers and hoarders, Upezzo Jubinloo is actually a well-organized city. The Jawas have developed an intricate system of tunnels and subterranean chambers beneath the city, which serve as both living quarters and storage spaces. These tunnels are also used as smuggling routes, allowing Jawas to move their goods around the city undetected.
While Upezzo Jubinloo may not be the safest place on Ord Cantrell, it is certainly one of the most intriguing. The city’s unique culture and history make it a must-visit destination for anyone interested in the planet’s past and present.
Points of Interest -
Jawa Marketplace
The Jawa Marketplace is a bustling and colorful bazaar located at the heart of Upezzo Jubinloo. It is a maze of narrow alleyways and stalls packed with all sorts of goods, from trinkets and spare parts to rare technology and exotic spices. The marketplace is always full of life, as Jawas and visitors haggle and bargain over prices and trade stories of their travels and adventures.
The Jawa Marketplace is also known for its vibrant and diverse community of Jawas, who come from all over the southern continent to sell their wares and socialize with their kin. Many of them wear colorful robes and hoods, and are adorned with jewelry and trinkets that showcase their unique culture and history. Some of the more skilled and well-connected Jawas act as intermediaries between the marketplace and the outside world, helping to broker deals and transactions with visiting traders and smugglers.
Despite its somewhat chaotic appearance, the Jawa Marketplace is actually quite well-organized and regulated by the local Jawa leaders. Each stall is assigned a specific location and is required to follow certain rules and standards in terms of pricing, quality, and safety. Any disputes or conflicts are handled by a council of elders, who have a deep knowledge of Jawa law and tradition.
Visitors to the Jawa Marketplace are advised to be careful and respectful, as Jawas are notoriously suspicious and protective of their goods and their community. However, those who manage to earn the trust and friendship of the Jawas can expect to find some of the best deals and most fascinating stories in all of Ord Cantrell.
Convoy Public House
The Convoy Public House is a small, non-descript compound located on the outskirts of Upezzo Jubinloo. It serves as a rest stop for non-Jawa visitors and convoy members passing through the city. The compound is run by a group of enterprising individuals who saw an opportunity to provide a service for the many non-Jawa traders and travelers who frequently pass through the area.
The establishment is situated on a small hill overlooking the desert terrain surrounding the city. It consists of a few low-lying buildings constructed of sand-colored adobe bricks, and a central courtyard that serves as the main gathering place for guests. The courtyard is filled with small trees and shrubs, providing much-needed shade from the scorching heat of the desert sun.
The interior of the Convoy Public House is sparse but comfortable. It features a small bar that serves a variety of drinks, including some locally brewed specialties, and a kitchen that serves simple but tasty meals. The compound also has a few guest rooms, which are small but clean and comfortable, with basic amenities like beds and washrooms.
While the Convoy Public House is a popular spot for travelers passing through Upezzo Jubinloo, it is not without its risks. The surrounding desert is home to many dangerous creatures, and bandits and raiders occasionally prey on unwary travelers. However, the compound is well-defended, with its own small security force consisting of well-trained mercenaries and hunters, who ensure the safety of their guests.
Waff'mla Ranch
The Waff’mla Ranch is a vast piece of land located on the outskirts of Upezzo Jubinloo on the southern continent of Ord Cantrell. It’s an oasis in the middle of the desert, covered with lush vegetation and a natural freshwater spring that attracts all kinds of wildlife. The land was initially owned by a wealthy Kiffar family who used it as a retreat during the planet’s hot season.
However, after the new Kiffar government took over and the family lost its influence, the land was seized by the Jawa community of Upezzo Jubinloo, who claimed that it was rightfully theirs. The Jawas are known for their trading skills, but they also have a deep connection to nature and the land, and they saw the Waff’mla Ranch as a valuable resource.
The Jawas transformed the land into a ranch and a trading post, where they breed waff’mlas, a native species of Ord Cantrell that is known for its delicious meat and valuable fur. The Waff’mla Ranch has become a hub of activity in the region, attracting traders and visitors from all over the planet who come to buy and sell waff’mlas and other goods.
The ranch is run by a group of Jawa elders who oversee the breeding and trading operations, as well as the protection of the land from outsiders who might seek to exploit it. The Jawa elders are known to be shrewd negotiators, but also fair and hospitable hosts to those who respect their traditions and customs.
The Waff’mla Ranch is a unique and vibrant part of Upezzo Jubinloo’s economy and culture, serving as a symbol of the Jawas’ resilience and resourcefulness in the face of adversity.