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    Ord Cantrell (-21, 264)
  • Planet:
    Ord Cantrell (12, 16)
Weather Report
  • Bartertown
  • Chatillon Estates
  • De-Purteen
  • Highhall
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  • Upezzo Jubinloo
Security Status
  • Bartertown
  • Chatillon Estates
  • De-Purteen
  • Highhall
  • Jakit Leuz'inou
  • Lorien
  • Tortuga
  • Whitechapel
  • Upezzo Jubinloo

Alliance provides aid to war-torn Derra

December 14, 2023

Resistance News Network (Derra) – With unsettling reports of an uptick in cartel-related violence across the Derra system, the Rebellion has announced the formation of a joint task force aimed at protecting civilian traffic, supporting allied interests, and providing humanitarian assistance to the population caught in the crossfire. Recent reports from several Outer Rim systems identify the coordinated hyperspace signatures of Nebulon-B Medical Frigates, Mon Calamari Cruisers, and Kandosii-type Dreadnaughts, alongside a variety of support ships. RNN was given limited access to the Rebel war room, where ranking officers from across the Rebellion were gathered.


When pressed on the possibility of meaningful opposition to the operation, General Descartes of The Resistance appeared unconcerned. “Alliance Intelligence places the Imperial Navy at a poor state of readiness.” he began “With systemic corruption at an all time high, the long-standing logistical and morale problems plaguing the junior ranks remain at the front and center of high-level briefings. Through incompetence or indifference, the Imperial Union has allowed warlords to brazenly amass power and influence right on their doorstep, in flagrant violation of their own supposed commitment to the rule of law. Whilst an illegitimate Emperor struggles to keep his pet megalomaniac, Dragoneel, to heel, Imperial High Command desperately fights to stop the house of cards from crashing down around them.”

”Our focus” he emphasized “is safeguarding the innocent citizens of Derra, where others cannot or simply will not step in.

Historically” he continued “the Zann Consortium has sought to bring regional cartels into their sphere of influence. However, they remain shattered after their recent battlefield failures and internal power struggles. With a fractured leadership and splintering loyalties, coupled with the rumored disappearance of the once influential Kyota Navic, the Consortium’s ability to wage proxy war is extremely limited. In contrast, the Alliance maintains a well supplied task force operating freely in the area, and we have no doubt that we can supply the Derra system with the security and prosperity that every Galactic citizen deserves.

The mood in the lower decks is equally as optimistic. In the hangar bay of the RMS Aether, pilots and engineers diligently inspect their starfighters over the gentle sound of tools clanking and whirring. We spoke to one engineer, who wished to remain anonymous.

What’s happening here, it’s wrong, isn’t it? The Imperials preach order and security, but they let this happen right under their noses! That’s why I joined up, y’know? Protect the little guy? Force knows I’ll be on the right side of history.


In one of the many relief camps on Derra IV, the desperation is palpable. Peacekeepers here are in charge of distributing food, water, and much-needed medical supplies. With thousands of displaced sentients, it is no easy feat. Mador Anami is leading the relief effort on the ground. From atop a Bantha Skiff, Ranger One exuded a spirit of tranquility, as he personally distributed water to those in need. “Amidst the echoes of conflict, compassion becomes our guiding star.” he began “Bringing medical relief to the war-torn expanse of Derra is not just a mission; it’s a testament to the enduring light of hope even in the darkest corners of the galaxy.

Whilst the Imperial Union flounders like a snake eating its own tail, the Rebellion has once again proven it is both willing and able to unite for the good of the Galaxy. As one Rebel commander on the ground put it: “The citizens of the Galaxy see through the propaganda. The Empire can no longer pretend that we are merely a band of loosely organised cells operating out of basements and garages. We are here, we are united, and we will do what it takes to protect the innocent lives that the Empire is so intent on destroying.

Those in need of evacuation from the Derra system are encouraged to contact their local Resistance Liason for assistance.

Posted in Galactic News
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