Danae de Chatillon was born on the planet Kiffex during the years of civil unrest and is the oldest child of Diana and Ajax de Chatillon. The woman left her homeworld at age 18 and has been travelling and working throughout the galaxy, often consulting with her older cousin Artemis de Chatillon. Danae is an influential and active member of the Clan de Chatillon, aiding her cousin and Governor Artemis de Chatillon on numerous family matters.
Danae currently travels most of her time for business associated with Cantrell Consulting. The Kiffar believes in balancing work and family obligations and often returns home to Ord Cantrell where she now maintains a residence on the beautiful Chatillon Estate.
Inside the Conglomerate, Danae has held numerous leadership positions, including the role of President for almost a year, before deciding to step back from the intensity and hand responsibilities over to her sister.