
Reaching the Spirits -
The Red Lotus flower is believed to have mystical properties that could allow one to communicate with the spirits of the Kiffar Gods, according to the most devout followers of Red Lotus. The Kiffar people had long known of this remarkable plant and had developed a ritualistic method of preparing the Red Lotus Tea to enhance its spiritual properties.
The process begins with carefully selecting the Red Lotus flowers, which were grown primarily within the guarded plantations within Jakit Leuz’inou. The flowers are then harvested and brought to a shrine for preparation, where their seeds are crushed into a fine powder, with the flower mixed to create a potent blend of tea.
The tea is brewed in a unique pot and served in a small, ornate cup or chalice. The drinker is instructed to take a minimum of three sips of the tea, closing their eyes and clearing their mind after each sip. As the tea begins to take effect, the drinker feels a warm sensation spreading throughout their body. The Red Lotus flower’s crushed seeds and essences contain potent psychoactive compounds that temporarily alter the drinker’s brain chemistry, inducing a state of altered consciousness or trance.
During this altered state of consciousness, the drinker could perceive the presence of the Kiffar God. The spirits are nameless and powerful, reaching out to the drinker through the tea, occupying their mind and guiding their thoughts, aiding the drinker in their struggles to guide them on a path of growth, spiritual enlightenment, conquest or whatever is desired.
The experience of communing with the Kiffar God’s is subjective and could vary from person to person. Some drinkers feel a sense of awe and wonder, while others experienced a deep sense of connection with the universe and all living beings. Despite the mystical nature of the Red Lotus Tea and its ability to allow communion with the Kiffar Spirits, the drink was not widely known outside of Ord Cantrell. The Kiffar people guard the secrets of the flower closely, ensuring that only those pure of heart and spirit can partake in the ritual.
The effects of the Lotus Tea will last several hours on average, allowing adequate time for the drinker to ensure the Kiffar spirits can sufficiently guide them on their desired path. Some scientists of rogue Kiffar Clans in the past have attempted to alter the flowers’ chemistry to allow its consumption through Needles, Deathsticks and Patches, however these methods have yet to be successful, with the true essence of the flower failing to transfer across via these methodologies