Activating Protocols

0 %
  • Sector:
  • System:
    Ord Cantrell (-21, 264)
  • Planet:
    Ord Cantrell (12, 16)
Weather Report
  • Bartertown
  • Chatillon Estates
  • De-Purteen
  • Highhall
  • Jakit Leuz'inou
  • Lorien
  • Tortuga
  • Whitechapel
  • Upezzo Jubinloo
Security Status
  • Bartertown
  • Chatillon Estates
  • De-Purteen
  • Highhall
  • Jakit Leuz'inou
  • Lorien
  • Tortuga
  • Whitechapel
  • Upezzo Jubinloo

Galactic News

Welcome to Arvala
May 28, 2024 / Galactic News
Welcome to Arvala

Resistance News Network (Arvala) – Residents of the newly colonized Arvala system gathered on Arvala-6 today to begin a weeklong…

The Devil You Know
May 27, 2024 / Galactic News
The Devil You Know

  In a bold declaration, Ximaro Jix, the Dragon Head of the Zann Consortium, has announced an imminent raid on…

Changing Name to Avoid Confusion
May 23, 2024 / Galactic News
Changing Name to Avoid Confusion

In a strategic move to eliminate brand confusion and enhance market clarity, the well-established company formerly known as Sons of…

Claimed No One: Best Concert Ever!
May 12, 2024 / Galactic News
Claimed No One: Best Concert Ever!

Explosion Rocks the Herdfest!    Year 25 Day 166   Ecstasy was in the air this week as the famous…

Rocky Still Missing
May 12, 2024 / Galactic News
Rocky Still Missing

Update: Rocky Still Missing, Lucifer von Kaldreon to Meet Hunters for Pet Rock Collection As the search for the missing…

Enigmatic Billionaire’s Beloved Pet Rocks Vanish
May 11, 2024 / Galactic News
Enigmatic Billionaire’s Beloved Pet Rocks Vanish

Billionaire Lucifer von Kaldreon Offers Reward for Missing Pet Rocks Lost at Herd Fest In a twist of fate at…

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