Activating Protocols

0 %
  • Sector:
  • System:
    Ord Cantrell (-21, 264)
  • Planet:
    Ord Cantrell (12, 16)
Weather Report
  • Bartertown
  • Chatillon Estates
  • De-Purteen
  • Highhall
  • Jakit Leuz'inou
  • Lorien
  • Tortuga
  • Whitechapel
  • Upezzo Jubinloo
Security Status
  • Bartertown
  • Chatillon Estates
  • De-Purteen
  • Highhall
  • Jakit Leuz'inou
  • Lorien
  • Tortuga
  • Whitechapel
  • Upezzo Jubinloo

Galactic News

Crime Spree Unfolds: Security Forces on Alert!
January 14, 2024 / Galactic News
Crime Spree Unfolds: Security Forces on Alert!

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Derra thanks Alliance forces; Brigands on the run
January 7, 2024 / Galactic News
Derra thanks Alliance forces; Brigands on the run

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The Ho Ho Hog is Coming to Town
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The Ho Ho Hog is Coming to Town

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