Cantrell Defense Force

About Cantrell Defense Force -
The Cantrell Defense Force (CDF) has a rich history, starting as the primary security force for Ord Cantrell and the Cantrell Conglomerate. As a result of its success in securing the Fath sector, the Cantrell Defense Force has now expanded its operations beyond its local borders, providing security and specialized medical services to organizations across the galaxy.
With a strong understanding of security needs, the Conglomerate leadership recognized that there was a growing need for specialized medical services and supplies in many areas of the galaxy. They saw an opportunity to expand into this market and quickly established themselves as a leading provider of MedEvac operations, both in low-risk and high-risk areas. In addition, the Cantrell Defense Force began producing and selling medical supplies to organizations that needed them.
The Cantrell Defense Force’s base of operations is located within a revitalized city on Ord Cantrell, which had been left in disrepair due to former gang and anti-Conglomerate cells. The city’s redevelopment process was initiated and completed thanks to the backing of the planet’s Governor, and batches of much-needed medical supplies were distributed to planetary hospitals and medical facilities without delay. This effort has solidified the Cantrell Defense Force’s position as the premier medical faction within the Fath sector.
With its wealth of experience in providing security services and now, medical services, the Cantrell Defense Force is well-positioned to continue its growth and expansion into other sectors of the galaxy. Its commitment to quality, innovation, and customer satisfaction has earned it a reputation as a reliable and trustworthy partner, and it is poised to continue serving the galaxy’s needs for many years to come.
Leadership -
Commander of the Force
Calypso de Chatillon was born into the famous de Chatillon family, known for their extensive reach and the cultural significance they bring to the galaxy. Despite being the family’s youngest member, she quickly made a name for herself as a skilled socialite, using her extensive network of friends and associates to gather information and intelligence from all corners of the galaxy. As Calypso’s reputation grew, she became an invaluable asset to intelligence agencies and security forces across the Fath Sector. She maintained informants within various networks to help prevent threats to Ord Cantrell’s peace and security.
Eventually, Calypso’s skills and experience led her to be appointed as the commander of the Cantrell Defense Force, charged with providing security across the planet of Ord Cantrell, its orbital stations, and the Fath Sector. In this role, she demonstrated her leadership and tactical abilities, working tirelessly to ensure the safety of the planet’s citizens and the stability of the sector. Despite the pressures of her job, Calypso remained a beloved figure among her friends and associates, known for her quick wit, kind heart, and unwavering dedication to the greater good. Her story was a testament to the importance of hard work, perseverance, and the power of personal connections in achieving success in the galaxy.
Corporate Services -
While now specialising in medical trauma evacuation, the Cantrell Defense Force still provides high-class, reputable security and combat services to the galaxy at large. These include:
- Planetary Security Services
- System Security Sweeps
- Orbital Station Boarding
- Requisitions
- Medical Trauma Evacuation
- Combat Planning & Evaluation
- Military Training Camps
To hire Cantrell Defense Force for your personal or corporate requirements, please reach out to the appropriate contact here.