Author: Cortex

Fortune Favors the Bold
In a daring and unprecedented operation, the Pyke Syndicate has managed to infiltrate the Tion Hegemony, unearthing the locations of…

Son-Tuul Pride Strikes the Restored Empire
Breaking the Galactic Chains! This is the Rogue Frequency, your source for untold stories. Breaking news: The leader of the…

The Restored “Empire” – A Foolish Ambition
Ord Cantrell, Fath – The latest news from the galaxy at large comes to you from me personally, Guildmistress Avelyn…

“We’ve just landed here on what the troops are calling the ‘big Phi’ with the Abraxi Company of the Moroa…

Breaking the Galactic Chains! This is the Rogue Frequency, your source for untold stories. In response to the recent…

Vanguard Network Exclusive: THE RESTORED EMPIRE STRIKES BACK Restoration Executes Concurrent Strikes in Hemei and Metellos Systems Operation: Shadow Veil…