The Conglomerate

About the Conglomerate
The Cantrell Conglomerate is a group of organisations led by Guildmistress Avelyn ca Vella in partnership with Ord Cantrell Governor Artemis de Chatillon. It was initially founded through the parent company Fairwind Exotics, which spawned what would eventually be a growing enterprise comprising numerous companies and various affiliates.
The conglomerate is made up of both proprietary and affiliate organisations currently, namely:

Goods & Services
Each organisation under the Conglomerate banners offers its own unique service to the galaxy. Cantrell Consulting has an excellent reputation for providing an ever-expanding bounty-hunting network to all sentients of the galaxy, whether a neophyte or an experienced master capable of taking down a Krayt Dragon. The Institute of the Arts founded the growing news tabloid ‘The Cantrell Chronicle’ which provides humorous satire around galactic events via the Galactic News Service.
Archangel, Fairwind Exotics, Fath Industries and Orbital Research & Design offered a variety of purchasable goods ranging from ships and vehicles, to state-of-the-art weaponry. Many of these produced items are enlisted into the care of the Cantrell Defense Force to ensure the security of the Fath Sector and its various hyperlanes and orbital stations. Meanwhile, the Kiffar Clan sect known as Red Lotus maintains the incredibly rare and precious Red Lotus flowers across Ord Cantrell, ensuring their survival in controlled environments, away from onlookers and individuals who seek its power through improper means. The additional context, product lists and pricing can be found on the Trade Goods page, while the ‘Transactions’ menu has some additional services available.
Why the Cantrell Conglomerate?
We provide a community that welcomes outsiders from all walks of life without discrimination of race or sexual kink. Being part of the Cantrell Conglomerate gives you access to enhanced, centralised infrastructure to help grow your arsenal or armada. It gives you a purpose and life outside of the everlasting Galactic Civil War so prevalent within the galaxy, instead allowing you to establish roots for yourself and your family with Kiffar followers and sympathizers, in pursuit of peace and prosperity.
Get paid competitively for the work you complete, with the opportunity to accept occasional, additional jobs as they arise from the inner circle. The conglomerate is a family and is always looking for more associates, traders and acolytes to join the fold. Should you wish to know more, or speak to someone currently apart of the Cantrell Conglomerate, click below to join the company Discord server.