The Holo springs to life with The Legacy of Ithor’s familiar lotus. It gleams as upbeat orchestral music plays in the background. An EV droid stands in an announcer’s book overlooking a pod race track.

“Sentients of all species and from all sectors, we have a very special announcement today! The Legacy of Ithor proudly invites you to the racing event of the year: The Legacy Triple Crown! This multi-leg, multi-environment championship runs from Year 25, Day 5 to Day 15 [December 1 to 10]. Now, let’s take a closer look at what’s in store for our brave pilots, podracers, and boaters!” EV Droid: “This triple crown event features three unique races across three environments, each challenging a different skill set:
1) The Leafar Podrace: Hosted at the Leafar Sporting Center (just a quick hop from Serroco), this grueling course twists through city streets. Get ready to see some pod-engines roar!

2) Space Race to Champala: Set your hyperdrives for the stars! This race from Leafar to Champala includes a deep-space Relay – but don’t let your guard down, pilots, as rumors of pirate sightings are circling!

3) Champala Regatta: The crown jewel of the event, our aquatic race on Champala’s oceans and rivers, will require skill and a steady hand as racers navigate its sweeping waters.”

“Of course, no great race would be complete without incredible prizes! In addition to sizable cash awards, winning racers in each leg will receive custom trophies and some fantastic gear and assets from our generous sponsors.”
“Now, let’s break down the prizes for each leg!
- Triple Crown Champion: The ultimate victor with the best combined time across all three events will receive the prestigious Golden Triple Crown Trophy, a one-of-a-kind Custom Lichtor Dungeon Ship, a whopping 100,000,000 credits, and a rare bottle of Ithorian Mist whiskey – aged to perfection, of course!
- Podrace Prizes: First place nabs 6 Republic Gunships, 6 AST-5s, a Destroyer Droid, and 50,000,000 credits, along with the Podrace Trophy and a premium bottle of whiskey. Even 2nd and 3rd place racers can expect incredible rewards, including Gunships, battle droids and credits.
- Ship Race Prizes: The top spacer will claim a Custom MC-30b and a cool 50,000,000 credits, with our second-place finisher receiving a recycling BFF package loaded with 12 EVS Construction Droids, because – hey, if you’re flying that fast, you might need something to recycle a wreck!
- Regatta Prizes: For the boaters among us, the Regatta Champion will be honored with custom Mon Cal ships and a hefty prize purse – including a Custom Simyar-class Light Freighter! Second and third places also receive significant cash and swag.”

“For a full list of rules please visit The Legacy of Ithor’s holosuite. If you’re ready to register, just fill out our quick and easy registration form.”
“Of course, we wouldn’t have such an event without our incredible sponsors! Be sure to give them a thank-you, and stop by their vendors. If you’re short a ship or boat for the race, contact The Antarian Rangers or Corliss & Co for on-site sales.
- The Legacy of Ithor
- The Antarian Rangers
- Alliance of Mercenary Consortiums
- Corliss & Co.
- Muurian Interstellar
- Dorinian Military Corps
- Koensayr Manufacturing
- The Resistance
- The Exchange
- Eclipse Enterprizes
- Jawa Offworld Enterprises
- Mordekai Sanais
- Anonymous
- Confederation of Independent Systems
“With our partners from across the galaxy, The Legacy of Ithor is thrilled to host this interplanetary spectacle, open to all who are daring enough to take on the challenge. Whether you’re a seasoned pilot, a podracing enthusiast, or a master of the seas, there’s something here for everyone. The thrill of the race awaits you!”
“May the best racers win, and remember – glory, prizes, and renown await! May the Force be with you, racers, and we’ll see you at the starting line!”
The transmission concludes with a spectator camera showing hordes of enthusiastic fans filling the stands.