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  • Lorien
  • Tortuga
  • Whitechapel
  • Upezzo Jubinloo

Taking Clone Advocacy to the Next Level

October 5, 2024

A female Zabrak walks to the podium, the front of which is decorated with the Ternion Corps logo. Behind her stand several grizzled clones, veterans of the civil war.

“Gentle sentients of the galaxy, thank you for your time today. My name is Siou Wolfsbane. I am Lead Advocate with Ternion Corps, and it is an absolute pleasure to be speaking to you today with this fantastic news! 

Ternion Corps have been working with the government of Arvala-6 to secure this location as our new, permanent Advocacy Office. For more than two decades now, the individuals of Ternion Corps have strived to help the clones, the individuals,” She emphasises the word. “Who valiantly served in the Grand Army of the Republic during the civil war find meaning for their lives outside of war! 

Adhering to our mission statement of: ‘To uphold the ideals of the Grand Army of the Republic. To recognize the sacrifices made by veterans of the Clone Wars. To preserve the memories of the Clone Wars. To care for veterans of the Clone Wars. To foster camaraderie among veterans of the Clone Wars. To educate the descendents of veterans of the Clone Wars. To maintain readiness for future armed conflicts.To preserve the Clone template.’

Ternion Corps have been able to find our brave warriors places in society; homes, families… a meaning to their lives. However, this has been little more than working with contacts to help place clones in jobs on planets across the galaxy; from Coruscant, Corellia, to the outer rim!”

Siou pauses briefly. 

“If you’ll indulge me; my father was a clone. He served in the war as a battlefield engineer. After the war ended, he struggled to find his way, to find meaning. He lost hope trying to find a life for himself. He became destitute, until a member of Ternion Corps stumbled upon him, literally, and offered him work. Ultimately, he found a home on Corellia, where he opened his own mechanics shop, met a loving wife, and had me!”

She smiles to herself; smiles at a life remembered.

“Without Ternion Corps, I would not be here today, so I am honoured to be the one opening the office, and reading this press release to you. With this office, we will be better placed to help those who spent so long helping us, helping the galaxy be a safer place, to be then discarded and shunned by those very same people who charged them to undertake the war in the Republic’s name.

To those clones out there, wandering, lost; to my family, I say this to you: You have a home here, on Arvala-6. We will be able to provide accommodation, education in new skills before working with trusted partners to place you in jobs throughout the galaxy.

Thank you.”

Siou picks up her tablet, smiles and mutters something inaudible to herself, and walks offstage, followed by the retinue of clone veterans.

Posted in Galactic News
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