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    Ord Cantrell (-21, 264)
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    Ord Cantrell (12, 16)
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  • Bartertown
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Security Status
  • Bartertown
  • Chatillon Estates
  • De-Purteen
  • Highhall
  • Jakit Leuz'inou
  • Lorien
  • Tortuga
  • Whitechapel
  • Upezzo Jubinloo

Operation Beskar Shield: Mandalore, 25 BBY

September 24, 2024


Operation Beskar Shield: Mandalore, 25 BBY

In a daring and unprecedented initiative, the Mandalorian military has launched Operation Beskar Shield, a large-scale effort to clear the asteroid fields in the Mandalorian sector. The operation aims to secure safe space travel and protect Mandalore’s strategic interests from external threats. The operation, pushed forward by credible intelligence, targets aru’ela (outsider) forces—such as the Zann Consortium—who might use these hazardous fields to cover illicit activities. Concerns also point to other Mandalorian enemies exploiting the asteroid regions for similar purposes.

Strategic Importance

The asteroid fields have long served as both a natural defense and a navigational hazard for Mandalore. With commercial and civilian spacecraft in constant danger, Mandalore’s government deemed decisive action necessary. Mand’alor Zachill DeSol emphasized the urgency: “These fields endanger hypertravel and provide cover for our enemies. We must clear them to secure the safety of Manda’yaim and ensure the stability of the sector.” Once cleared, these fields will be closely monitored to prevent any hostile resurgence.

Enemy Activity

Pirates, marauders, and other criminal forces have increasingly used the asteroids to hide their black market operations. Recent Mandalorian intelligence has uncovered hidden supply depots and potential manufacturing hubs within the asteroid fields. The elusive leader behind these operations remains unknown, but their activities raise significant concerns. “The evidence we’ve gathered shows our enemies are using the asteroids as a shield for their illegal operations. We believe we’ve only scratched the surface,” an anonymous intelligence officer revealed. 77SwMZ.png

Victories for Mandalore

In the early stages of Operation Beskar Shield, Mandalorian forces led by Clan S’badai captured a CR-90 corvette, along with several other vessels believed to be involved in smuggling for the syndicate. This decisive strike dealt a major blow to enemy operations in the sector. Additionally, multiple asteroid fields have been cleared, reducing the tactical advantages held by aru’ela forces. Patrols now regularly monitor these areas, ensuring they remain free from hostile activity. Further victories include the halting of a BR transport after an anonymous tip-off revealed smuggling attempts. While no illegal goods were found, the transport’s logs indicated cooperation with the notorious Death Watch. The pilot was arrested, and the transport was confiscated.


With Operation Beskar Shield in full swing, Mandalore has dealt significant blows to its enemies, reinforcing its standing as a dominant power in the sector. The Mandalorians remain determined to secure a safer and more prosperous future for their people.

Posted in Galactic News
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