Faerytail Capital, Messert III, Mytaranor (FNN)

Text appears after the broadcast ends. It says:
I would like to give my appreciation to all those in the Family that have worked tirelessly. Through all their endeavors Faerytail has continued to prosper; from our ever expanding industries to our ever growing economy. From these riches during Founders Day I pledge to give away at least 3 Billion credits as well as various other assets to those in the galaxy that choose to join us in our celebrations. In line with making sure that our key employees feel valued we also would like to announce that we’re raising our minimum wage to 40M and raising all the other wages in line. Once again, we of the Faerytail Noble Family invite the galaxy as a whole to join us on our Holoserver to celebrate Founders Day with us starting on D259.
Hail to the King-Father!
Hail to Faerytail!
Public Celebration Link: Your Personal Invitation
Faerytail Holosite: Holosite Link