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  • Lorien
  • Tortuga
  • Whitechapel
  • Upezzo Jubinloo

Who Does Not Want Peace, And For Why?

June 16, 2024


Crimson Dawn has negotiated for the release of Corvo Skarn, who made headlines several times in the last year as a captive of Son-Tuul Pride. Despite a shrinking public opinion that Crimson Dawn is somehow directly controlled by the Zann Consortium, Crimson Dawn continues to tell the story of its independence by breaking down barriers, trailblazing their own path across the jagged political landscape of the galaxy and forging new perceptions to replace the old ones. 


Corvo Skarn, who walked out of his prison earlier this week told reporters “My lawyer Xanxus Drol has done the impossible. Instead of leaving me to rot, he paid my 300,000,000 (credit) fine that Son-Tuul put on me. The Motherf(CENSORED BY THE GNS) king is back…” said Corvo before chucking his datapad into a waste receptacle.. Xanxus told reporters he is not a lawyer, he just understands and can navigate “the way things work.”


Meanwhile in the past 2 months, the Crimson Dawn Government has “neutralized hostilities” with several other governments traditionally opposed to the group or otherwise, by replacing the hostile stance with that of a neutral caliber and sometimes even signing Non Aggression Pacts. Protestors from the Blue Star Dominion, a hostile government that Crimson Dawn regards as a criminal organization, went so far as to attempt to blockade diplomatic personnel from peace talks and even pretended to “speak on the other parties behalf” stating they were ‘pest control and CD were the pests’ . The peace talks still went through and were successful despite what High Priest Xanxus Drol can only refer to as “the antics of children.” 


Crimson Dawn, a theocratic government, is compelled by its faith and Xanxus says The Many Gods call upon him to make peace wherever possible. “If there is no reason to fight, then why are we fighting? ” Xanxus spoke yesterday before a mixed crowd of reporters and the general public. “What future is this for our collective peoples? I ask you to stop and think…who does not want peace, and for why?”


To protect the fragile relations, which are in some cases probationary, Crimson Dawn refuses to identify what groups specifically have come to the table, however when asked Xanxus responded simply by stating “They know who they are, and those who did not make peace know who they are as well… Silence is not an appropriate response.” 


Regardless, Corvo Skarns release will be celebrated by many but laced with negativity by others who refuse to let Crimson Dawn ever have a chance to be anything different. With groups like Blue Star Dominion encouraging the public to toss rotten fruit at diplomatic representatives with aims of bringing peace, Crimson Dawn’s cause feels all the more just.


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