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  • Sector:
  • System:
    Ord Cantrell (-21, 264)
  • Planet:
    Ord Cantrell (12, 16)
Weather Report
  • Bartertown
  • Chatillon Estates
  • De-Purteen
  • Highhall
  • Jakit Leuz'inou
  • Lorien
  • Tortuga
  • Whitechapel
  • Upezzo Jubinloo
Security Status
  • Bartertown
  • Chatillon Estates
  • De-Purteen
  • Highhall
  • Jakit Leuz'inou
  • Lorien
  • Tortuga
  • Whitechapel
  • Upezzo Jubinloo

Claimed No One: Best Concert Ever!

May 12, 2024

Explosion Rocks the Herdfest! 


Year 25 Day 166


Ecstasy was in the air this week as the famous band, Linkin Bark made an impromptu visit to the Ithorians Herdfest. Docked onboard the famous Ithorian Herdship Bafforr Jubilee that was hosting the festival, the band made an announcement that they were going to play some songs from their latest music set, with plans to hold the concert from the Docking Bay of the Herdship on Y25 D166 at 19:30


Merchants and vendors flocked to the Bright Jewel system trying to capitalize on the number of sentients attending the festivities. Reports have emerged that one sentient, Gorgo Cyclo, a known associate of the Hutt Cartel, who was recently reported to have engaged in combat against Separatist forces in Derra, was caught stealing medical items and was removed from the Herdship.


Despite this isolated incident, sentients continue to arrive and join in helping many Ithorians on the ship. As excitement grew, many sentients started flooding to the docking bay hours before the event. Long lines began to form as the day progressed, leading to many waiting outside the docking bay for a chance to see the band live.


As the day progressed, some grew restless, with impromptu gambling games breaking out on the floor of the rooms in and around the docking bay. It is also believed that some have even smuggled in alcoholic beverages, although sentients haven’t been personally searched, there have been a large number of GNK droids on the ship, leading to speculations that some have been repurposed, secretly, into walking drinks coolers, hosting a wide variety of alcohol for people to enjoy.


The anticipation in the room was palpable and as the band opened up their Gale-class StarStage Light Freighter, which was in the docking bay, explosions could be heard echoing through the halls of the Herdship. Confusion gripped the crowd and some feared impending doom. Unable to even play a note, the band was quick to pack in their gear and disappear, future concert dates uncertain. 



The explosion was isolated to the Noctis’ Taco Research Laboratory just to the south of the Herdship. Once the initial shock subsided, sentients were able to get back to the festivities. Currently the cause of the explosion is still up in the air. Many stood in line to meet with the captain of the

Herdship to file complaints and demand a refund for the tickets they had not paid for.

Posted in Galactic News
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