Late in Year 21, the CIS was rocked by a terrorist attack. Whilst Dain Thurith of the Eclipse Templars publicly took credit for the kidnapping of several ranking members of the Confederacy, as well as the theft of thousands of items, investigations carried out after the attack pointed to a disgruntled citizen who was working within the Confederate government.
The investigation revealed that the Chairman of the government, Siejo Kutol, was the initial target of the raid. However, when the attempt against Chairman Kutol failed, the disgruntled employee targeted his family as well as several ranking members of the government. At the time the Templars demanded a large ransom, including “planets”. During the incident Head of State Taldar Logas reiterated that the Confederacy did not condone acts of piracy, and would not be threatened, even refusing to enter negotiations. After several tense days, Mrs. Kutol and Mr. Plagueis were released without any concessions from the government. The Eclipse Templars were subsequently blacklisted by the government and large bounties were placed on the leadership as well as the disgruntled employee.

Three years after the incident, the Confederacy has undergone many changes and evolved from the collective it once was, but it has never forgotten those who have tried to cause it harm. Recently, a representative of the Antarian Rangers contacted the Confederate government wishing to turn in one of these bounties. A representative of the Antarian Rangers met with Mr. Kutol, now Magistrate of the South, in the Tanked Toydarian Tavern in Glean Caer on Tar Morden III. Over Drinks, the Ranger spun the tale of the events that lead to the capture of the known criminal. A member of their organization, known only as an anonymous Jedi”, had encountered the Barabel, Hanzo Thurith, whilst he was attempting to peddle stolen goods from his Colossal Cruiser in orbit of a developing, mid-rim planet. The Jedi Ranger became suspicious of the goods, and a brief background check had confirmed a large bounty on the head of the Barabel. With his suspicions confirmed, planning then was set in motion to set a trap for the criminal. The Anonymous Jedi Ranger then contacted Mr. Thurith with an offer of employment for a hauling job. Negotiations were short, and Mr. Thurith was provided with a pair of heavy haulers to complete a particular sham job. At first, citing security concerns, Mr. Turith had refused to use the pair of haulers, opting instead to take a personal ship squadded with a freighter. The Jedi Ranger then expressed his displeasure at the negative impact such a method would have on the job timeline, and with the aid of a Jedi mind trick, convinced Mr. Thurithto board the vessels. The trap was set and the criminal had walked right into it.

Arrangements were made at that point to escort Mr. Thurith back to Confederate Space for a speedy and surely unbiased trial. As Mr. Thurith had already declared his guilt several years ago, the trial is expected to be short. It is also expected he will be thrown into a cell and his name will never be mentioned again. Bounties on the Templars and all organizations are expected to remain in place. The CIS would like to thank the Antarian Rangers for their professionalism and flawless execution of one of the most daring captures this galaxy has seen in years. Their tactics, teamwork, and timing make them a force to be reckoned with, and the Confederacy applauds their dedication to justice and their spirit of service.