Faerytail Capital, Messert III, Mytaranor (FNN). Today, aboard the Imperial I-class Star Destroyer TFF Faery Glitter, King-Father Simkin Dragoneel, monarch of the Faerytail Family, announced a new Faerytail Holiday open to the Public. The news sparked widespread celebrations and joy throughout Faery controlled space. For the past few months minor disruptions and consternation have spread throughout Faery dominion due to the many changes to the leadership of various other Governments within the universe. Citizens within the realm have grown used to the stability, prosperity, and growth since Faerytail was founded back in Y13D357. High-ranked Government officials have hinted to their various citizens that along with the new Holiday there will also be a surprise announcement to allay all their fears.

The Holofeed switches over to a press conference direct from the Faery capital on Messert III as King Father Simkin Dragoneel stands behind a podium in front of a throng of press and dignitaries.
Sims – “For a while now the Faerytail Royal Family is aware that our hardworking citizens have been wanting another holiday to rest and enjoy the benefits of all their hard work for the Kingdom. In response to that we are instituting the first annual Founders Day which will take place on D259 from now on. This holiday is based off the day when I originally left my homeworld of Coruscant and went out into the galaxy to make a life for myself on that day back in Y12.
For this new holiday, Faerytail will be doing a number of giveaways of various assets in our Holonet starting on D259. All are welcome to join the fun and perhaps win some prizes.
For the second announcement, we are aware that with all the recent changes to the other Royals in the universe many citizens are concerned about making sure that the Royal leadership of Faerytail continues to be superior so that we as a nation continue to prosper and surpass all others. Royal Families in the past and present have been plagued by ones progeny not measuring up to the ones that came before. While Crown Princess Alice Dragoneel shows fine progress in becoming a fine new Queen, we are aware that many of our citizens were formerly under the leadership of the inept and corrupt former New Republic and the uncompromisingly inferior leadership of the former Infinite Empire. Between those citizens fear of having my progeny decline to those levels and the worry that Faerytail citizens have of whatever my current lifespan is after all of my genetic changes, the Nobility of Faerytail have come up with a solution.
It is with all that in mind that the second announcement is that we have founded a Genetic Dynasty for our Kingdom’s continued success.
A number of years ago Faerytail Medical embarked on a program to clone me, mostly as a way of getting more tasks completed and helping growth. However, the cloning process was incomplete and the majority of the clones were unable to reach the levels of their host material. However, in the years since we have perfected the technique to make an absolutely 99.99% perfect copy of my original Coruscanti genes. My original genetic material being used was crucial since my current genes are haphazardly meshed together and unstable for the delicate and complicated cloning process.
The final plan is to have three [3] of my clones decanted at different ages 30 years apart in order to make sure that the direct command of the Monarchy is not diluted over time. My progeny, beginning with Crown Princess Alice, will serve as Royal Advisors to my Genetic Dynasty. This will ensure a supply of new ideas and a level of adaptability in the Monarchy as my descendants will serve and assist their Eternal Ancestor.
The decanting 30 years apart allows for a clone of me to be alive at all stages of my life in order to make sure they are the best versions of Simkin they can be and be known as Brother Dawn, Brother Day, and Brother Dusk. Brother Dawn, a prepubescent clone whose role is to watch and learn the ways of the King in preparation for ascension, Brother Day, a middle aged clone, who functions as first among equals and does most of the ruling, and Brother Dusk, an elderly Simkin clone whose role is to advise Brother Day and mentor Brother Dawn. Upon reaching the age of 90, each clone will ascend to the next position with the eldest being ascended to Brother Darkness through euthanisation.
Since my actual life span with all my genetic changes is not possible to predict accurately, we have started the cloning process seven years ago and created the first Brother Dawn. Simkin Dawn has been shadowing me to learn everything that I do and all the nuances of rulership. We will decant a new Simkin Dawn in twenty three [23] years and a new one thirty [30] years after that. If I continue to live all the clone Brothers will be put in stasis using bio-enthropic field generators. Upon my death my tissue will be encased in carbonite and kept at the Royal Palace as a monument for what my Genetic Dynasty aspire to become. First batch of Brother Dawn, Brother Day, and Brother Dusk will be removed from their stasis and immediately take command, while being advised by my lineage.“
Simkin pauses as cheering and applause breaks out amoung those assembled. Cries of “Long Live the Genetic Dynasty” are heard until the Royal holds up his hand for silence.
Sims – “This is the first appearance of Brother Dawn… would you like to meet him!“
Simkin lets the cheering and applause erupt once again, the excited populace eager to meet the first member of the Genetic Dynasty. After a few moments of this King-Father Simkin again raises his hand for silence, and beckons and a small pink haired boy is lead from the side by a member of the Royal Guard. Standing next to his Genetic Brother, he pulls out a piece of paper and haltingly reads it, his voice sounding like he is desperately trying to not appear scared to be in front of such a large crowd.
Simkin Dawn – “Both myself and the Progenitor are happy to invite all to the celebration of Founders day, which will begin on D259 and continue for a few days after. Many prizes will be handed out in the event, which will take place on our Holonet so sentients from all corners of the galaxy will not need to travel. It is our wish that we see as many of you as possible there. Long Live Faerytail! Long Live the Imperial Union!“
All sentients are invited to attend the Holonet celebrations no matter the affiliation since there will be many giveaways offered to all. Come join in the fun!
Faerytail Holosite: Holosite Link
Faerytail Holonet: Holonet Link