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  • Sector:
  • System:
    Ord Cantrell (-21, 264)
  • Planet:
    Ord Cantrell (12, 16)
Weather Report
  • Bartertown
  • Chatillon Estates
  • De-Purteen
  • Highhall
  • Jakit Leuz'inou
  • Lorien
  • Tortuga
  • Whitechapel
  • Upezzo Jubinloo
Security Status
  • Bartertown
  • Chatillon Estates
  • De-Purteen
  • Highhall
  • Jakit Leuz'inou
  • Lorien
  • Tortuga
  • Whitechapel
  • Upezzo Jubinloo

The Last Chip Falls

June 12, 2023


In the sector of Saijo an intense card tournament ended with Jensen Odama as Victorious Champion of “Outer Rim Holdem”.


In a highly anticipated event, card enthusiasts from across the galaxy gathered at a clandestine location to witness an intense and thrilling card tournament. The room, shrouded in secrecy, emanated a vibrant atmosphere with the sound of clinking ice, whispered conversations, and an air of anticipation hanging in the smoke-filled air.

The venue, guarded by the formidable figures of the Hutt Cartel, made it clear that troublemakers would meet an unfavorable fate. Despite the tense environment, dancers seductively swayed in the corners, their movements harmonizing with the captivating melodies produced by a small band.

The main attraction, however, was centered around a cluster of tables, where players of renown such as Seth Haze, Dac Kain, Allaina Mausava, and Ogban Orinedd, among others, took their places. As the players settled into their chairs, the crowd eagerly placed private bets, speculating on the outcomes of each table.

Accompanied by occasional taunts, jabs, and expressions of frustration, the players engaged in heated battles, skillfully maneuvering the cards dealt by the GE3 series droids stationed at each table. Notably, some reserved seats remained unoccupied, hinting at the players’ fear of facing the formidable opponents present.

Redjon Mirabel and Solomon Xander, seizing the opportunity, faced off against lesser-known card players like Anoki Mithios, adding an element of unpredictability to the tournament. The room resonated with the sounds of cards being slapped and slid across the tables, calls for more drinks, and the hushed murmurs of spectators.

As the tournament progressed, the field narrowed, and the players who truly possessed the skills necessary for victory began to emerge. The formidable Allaina Mausava, despite facing fierce competition from Ogban Orineddi, displayed unwavering confidence and secured her dominance at table 2.

In the final rounds, Jensen Odama proved to be a formidable force, effortlessly maintaining his lead and clinching the first-place victory. Dac Kain, displaying his proficiency, secured a respectable second place, fending off the persistent challenges from Anoki Mithios. While Anoki fell short of overtaking Dac, their tenacity earned them a commendable third-place finish, narrowly surpassing Ximaro Jix.

The ultimate showdown ensued between Solomon Xander and Ximaro Jix, both demonstrating remarkable skill and determination. The tension was palpable as they battled fiercely, with spectators holding their breath. However, Anoki managed to sneak in and claim a spot among the top contenders, leaving Solomon Xander out of the winner’s circle.

In the end, Jensen Odama emerged as the triumphant champion, walking away with an impressive prize of 500 million credits and the prestigious title of the tournament’s winner. Dac Kain secured second place, earning a substantial sum of 250 million credits, while Anoki Mithios, displaying formidable skill, claimed the third-place prize of 150 million credits. Ximaro Jix’s commendable performance secured them fourth place, with a prize of 100 million credits.

Notably, rumors circulate that Ximaro Jix, driven by benevolence, donated their winnings to a worthy cause, adding a touch of philanthropy to the thrilling competition.

The card tournament concluded with resounding success, leaving participants and spectators alike in awe of the skill, strategy, and excitement displayed throughout the event. With the accolades and substantial rewards earned, the finalists cemented their status as heavy weights in the galactic card-playing community. 


But this isn’t the end, sentients of the galaxy. With a flash of speed, and the rush of wind we will be bringing the Underworld Racing Circuit to your doorsteps, this time presented by the Hutt Cartel. There will be prizes, events, and adrenaline filled racing.


*This has been a Cold Blooded Kadijic transmission, reminding everyone they are all scum to someone, we just don’t pretend to be anything different.*

Posted in Galactic News
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