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Galactic Empire and Chiss Ascendancy Sign Historic Agreement

April 16, 2023

Gekto III, Uoti Sector – Today, the Empire achieved a major milestone in its mission to forge a united galaxy as Grand Moff Thea Corine and Remus Soran of the Chiss Ascendancy signed the Treaty of Uoti. The representatives of the Empire’s Emerald Region engaged in months of intense negotiations with the Chiss, leading to mutual assent aboard the Executor-class Star Destroyer Kaiser in orbit above Gekto III. The Imperial Information Service witnessed the event with unique access, and it will bring untold prosperity to the Uoti Sector while solidifying relations between the two governments for decades to come. For posterity, they recorded exclusive footage of the event.

Freed from the suffocating choke of the New Republic following its surrender in Year 21, the Chiss Ascendency has been experiencing an exponential population boom and incredible economic growth. The Chiss government has worked diligently to take their place on the galactic stage as an important political power, whilst the remote Chiss homeworld of Csilla is gradually reasserting itself as a beacon of Chiss culture and industry. At long last, Chiss around the galaxy feel able to return to their homeworld, assured of peace and prosperity under a stable government.  

Aboard the Kaiser, Grand Moff Thea Corine joined Remus Soran, the Grand Syndic of the Chiss Ascendancy for a joint press conference. Grand Moff Corine offered insight to reporters  “Grand Syndic Soran, it was a pleasure to meet you in person, I hope the people of Csilla continue to prosper under your guiding hand.” The Grand Syndic offered high praise in response, stating “The Chiss Ascendancy is honored by the trust the Empress has demonstrated, and we are here to continue investing in the joint future of our two peoples. I trust this will be the beginning of an enduring partnership that strengthens bonds between our peoples.”

Grand Moff Corine addressed the suffering of the Chiss under the New Republic, saying, “The Chiss have long been under the yoke of the New Republic, but now they are finally free to forge their own path through history. The Empire will continue to provide security and prosperity to the galaxy, proving any dissenters wrong at every turn.”

Grand Syndic Soran then spoke. “I can only agree. My people have spent too long having to answer to a foreign power. Now at long last we can make our decisions, and do what is best for our own people. There can be no greater freedom than this, and I thank you and the Empress for providing it.”

The Treaty of Uoti stipulates that the Chiss will be granted a license for construction, development, and governance of the planet Gekto III and control of the Gekto system. Positioned on the hinterlands of Imperial space, it will make for an ideal trade hub. Initial projections by economic analysts show the system is set to become a major player in the Region. This system, long regarded as the jewel of the Uoti Sector for its rich mineral wealth, is a jewel set to be polished by Chiss hands as the budding government grows and realizes its full potential. Today’s historic accord will be remembered for facilitating a growing cultural understanding between citizens of the two governments, and for highlighting the rise of the Chiss Ascendancy under the guidance and friendship of the Galactic Empire. 

Today’s events serve as a reminder that the Empire strives to preserve and spread its values of prosperity, order, and stability throughout a secure galaxy, and is willing to work with others who share these values.

Posted in Galactic News
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